Ross Henry Symington

Hi, I’m Ross, an Artist.

I help people turn this strange thing we call life into Music, Film, Visual Artworks and Story.


Life 🌊

Life seems to involve a constant barrage of change. Change that knocks us about and turns our life upside down. Sometimes good, sometimes harrowing and painful. It seems change has us desperately attempting to scrape together some kind of equilibrium. A yearning for somewhere we can feel safe. Somewhere we might not get hit by wave after wave, where the good times might stay good, at least for a little longer.




Fact is, it seems change will happen regardless of our efforts to safeguard our little patch of peace. So it might seem our only hope is to turn, face the waves and dance with them. Dive under them, maybe even learn to surf them. What if change or even chaos could be creativity, curiosity, wonder and spontaneity?




How do we surf the waves of change and make sense of them in life?

We make art. Well, I do. I try to… I feel artists are often seen as eccentric, perhaps slightly outside the norm of society. But to me making art from this strange predicament is the most logical, natural and obvious thing to do. Some of the other things we do as a species seem to make a lot less sense. It’s quite confusing being an artist in this age.

With art we can turn life into something that heals us and can even help others when we share it. It’s a way to dance with life. Let’s dance!